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Location: Udaipur, Rajasthan, India

Hi All, my name is Deepak Purbia. Basically, I am from Udaipur, Rajasthan. Currently live in Bangalore, Karnataka. I am working as a front-end developer in the IT industry.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Important News For All Indians

Important News For All Indians

Important News For All Indians

Dear All,
Our Indians' Money - 70,00,000 Crores Rupees In Swiss Bank
1) Yes, 70 lakhs crores rupees of India are lying in Switzerland banks. This is the highest amount lying outside any country, from amongst 180 countries of the world, as if India is the champion of Black Money.
2) German Government has officially written to Indian Government that they (German Government) are willing to inform the details of holders of 70 lakh crore rupees in their Banks, if Indian Government officially asks them.
3) On 22-5-08, this news has already been published in The Times of India and other Newspapers based on German Government's official letter to Indian Government.
4) But the Indian Government has not sent any official enquiry to Germany for details of money which has been sent outside India between 1947 to 2008. The opposition party is also equally not interested in doing so because most of the amount is owned by politicians and it is every Indian's money.
5) This money belongs to our country. From these funds we can repay 13 times of our country's foreign debt. The interest alone can take care of the Centre's yearly budget. People need not pay any taxes and we can pay Rs. 1 lakh to each of 45 crore poor families.
6) Let us imagine, if Swiss Bank is holding Rs. 70 lakh crores, then how much money is lying in other 69 Banks? How much they have deprived the Indian people? Just think, if the Account holder dies, the bank becomes the owner of the funds in his account.
7) Are these people totally ignorant about the philosophy of Karma? What will this ill-gotten wealth do to them and their families when they own/use such money, generated out of corruption and exploitation?
8) Indian people have read and have known about these facts. But the helpless people have neither time nor inclination to do anything in the matter. This is like "a new freedom struggle" and we will have to fight this.
9) This money is the result of our sweat and blood. The wealth generated and earned after putting in lots of mental and physical efforts by Indian people must be brought back to our country.
10) As a service to our motherland and you contribution to this struggle, please circulate at least 10 copies of this note amongst your friends and relatives and convert it into a mass movement.

There are only two choices,either be a history reader or become a history maker.


If you check out the polls, you will see that in most constituencies, a max
of 60% people go and vote (shocking!). Now this 60% of the votes is
typically shared between 4-6 candidates who may be contesting the election
for that place. Even assuming that only 3 are the popular ones, the vote
distribution will be approximately 10-15% each (of the 60) among the popular
ones and the rest among the others. So we will usually have a victory with
just 15-20% of the votes of a given constituency! So a person will come into
power with a “majority” vote of just 15-20%, usually much less, maybe even
10-12%!!! This in itself is pretty flawed according to me, you will have a
very hard time convincing me that 49% is a majority, let alone 12-20%.
Our politicians seem to be pretty good at maths, and they have done this
calculation, and so know that to win an election, they need to worry ONLY
about getting 20% of the votes. So they divided the country into OBC, and
SC/ST and minority castes and so on, so that they could see a clear 20% of
the population they would need to take care of (appease) so that they would
be able to secure their vote and stay/get into power.

When you see it this way, almost every single government policy will make
perfect sense

Now how can you confound this happy little scheme? Well, if more than 90% of
the population goes and votes, then just securing that cozy 20% of the votes
is not going to get them into power. Then, they will have to actually take
care of everyone… the majority as well as the minority, which they should
have been doing in the first place, but don’t, coz the majority DOESN’T

So to force the hand of the government to be “by the people, for the people
and of the people” more PEOPLE need to vote.

The word politics actually says it all: Poli meaning many, tics meaning
bloodsucking creatures. Your right of franchise, your duty to vote is the
tic powder. Use it!


Important News For All Indians

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